
Imagine provides you with the coaching tools that you need to help your clients find a deep sense of purpose and then engage with that purpose to become happy, fulfilled and productive creators of a better world for all of us to live in. It helps them prepare the inner world that they need in order to engage more meaningfully with the work that you require them to do in the outer world. If you are an organisation or company that want to harness the potential of coaching tools that can help your people to engage with the work that you do then this tool is for you.

 What Is your challenge that we have identified?

We want to start today by firstly applauding the priceless and often thankless contribution that you are making to the Scottish Society and more importantly your immediate community. The valuable work and various services that you are delivering faithfully to your clients / service users is very profound and only you can do it as well as you do because you are the visionary. It takes special kinds of people to put aside their own needs and challenges, to help improve the lives of others. Thank you.

However, having worked in the 3rd sector we also know of your many challenges that you face in actually delivering these services. Each year Charity Aid Foundation surveys charity leaders to understand the challenges they face, and to assess the impact these challenges have on the sector’s ability to meet the needs of its beneficiaries.

This year the Social Landscape Report revealed that your major concerns are:

  • Income Generation
  • Lack of Government Involvement in the Sector
  • The Negative Impact of Brexit on the sector
  • How to use technology effectively to grow and not to negatively impact the culture of your organisation
  • Decline in Public Trust in the sector
  • Lack of optimism for the future of the Sector

Whilst we know that each of these challenges mentioned are very legitimate and impact greatly on whether or not you can continue to deliver your service.  Most important is ensuring the quality of the service you offer and the longevity & lasting impact it has upon your beneficiaries. When you get this right and you focus on delivering an excellent service, most of the above challenges are also being addressed.

 What Is the solution that we offer?

We propose that you invest to ensure the service you deliver packs a punch. When we are excellent at what we do, we will always attract support for what we do. How do we propose that you become even better at what you do? We propose that you address the greater needs of your service users so that when those needs are taken care of the work / service you offer can take deeper root in their lives.

What are these greater needs?

According to Deloitte’s Shift Index Survey, 9 out of every 10 people on this planet agree that our world is not an ideal world and 80% of us don’t like what we do and how we express ourselves in this world, which makes us unhappy, unfulfilled and dissatisfied. We lack a sense of our personal purpose and therefore we feel non-valuable and disposable.

If you offer your service users a program that would address these fundamental issues for them then the work you do will have a far greater impact in their lives.

‘Those who have a “why” to live, can bear with almost any “how”.’, wrote Viktor Frankl in his book. Equally, the absence of ‘why’ can make unbearable almost any ‘how’.

I am pretty sure that you have experienced, in some cases, the work you do with certain clients fall flat in their lives, no matter how much effort you put in. Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong. You delivered the same great service you have always delivered. The reason it did not have the desired effect on the person is because their inner world was not in a receptive state and in most instances it is due to the findings in the Deloitte’s Shift Index Survey.

There is a growing body of research showing that people with a strong sense of purpose in life tend to do better on a number of different measures of mental health, well-being, and even cognitive functioning. Several studies also show that people with a higher purpose in life tend to engage in healthier behaviours, for example, they are exercising more and are participating in preventive health services) which results in better health outcomes. A study done in 2013 found that individuals with more sense of purpose in life were better at managing stress and had better self-rated health status (SRH), and that stress management partly mediated the effect of a purpose in life on SRH. The researchers concluded that ‘enhancement of teachers’ purpose in life and improvement of training skills of stress management should be incorporated in the strategy of improving teachers’ health.’ In fact, this recommendation can be applicable to people of other occupations and all age groups.

But, amazing as this is to suggest that we should find this sense of purpose, it is not always easy to do so because if it was then we would all already have done so and 80% of us would not be disliking how we express ourselves in this world. One of the best ways that we have recently been exploring this is through hiring the services of a life coach but coaching is very expensive and thus out of reach for most people.

We decided to change all this and come up with a way to make it more affordable and thus more accessible. But, to do this, we need your help.

So, let me first tell you who we are and what solution we created for you.

At Ignite Life, we collaborate with change-makers to create tools to facilitate individual personal development and societal change. We do this to inspire an awakening within human beings to greater consciousness so that we can co-create a better world.

So, in pursuing this vision, we created Imagine

What is Imagine?

Imagine provides you with the tools that you need to help your clients find this deep sense of purpose and then engage with that purpose to become happy, fulfilled and productive creators of a better world for all of us to live in. It consists of:

  • An interactive online course called LIFE by Design where we give you all the content and we train a facilitator of your choice to facilitate quarterly courses for your clients. This can be done on or offline.
  • Continual monthly online training, guidance and networking for your facilitator
  • An online Community where your clients can feel even further connected to their community and they can engage with other people who have started their own personal journeys thus bringing them out of isolation and into an accepting and embracing community of like-minded people all on their own path towards becoming their best selves.
  • A Networking Platform that connects you to other organisations, tools, services, and resources to help you grow and expand your reach as a change-maker.
  • A Well-Being platform that connects your clients to resources that will enhance their continued personal development journey.

 How do you become a member of our Imagine Program?

Coaching is usually a very expensive commodity that currently costs a lot of money to access and thus makes it out of reach for most people. This is why we decided to think out the box and bring you a subscription- based program where the cost is shared among many organisations thus making it affordable to provide for everyone.

All you have to do is:

  • Subscribe at £100 per month for non-profits and £200 for private sector for 1 year
  • Select a facilitator from your organisation to be trained by us /use one of our trained facilitators
  • Pay £700 for your facilitator to be trained by us at a 7-day intensive training – currently done online
  • If you use one of our trained facilitators then you will have to negotiate a facilitators fee with them as this will be a transaction between you and them.

Charge a minimal monthly amount for your client to attend your course thereby ensuring their buy-in and personal stake holding. We suggest anything from £20 to £50, depending on your client and your financial situation. Your facilitator will be trained to assess this and advise you accordingly.